New Minimum Wage: How we arrived at N615,000 - Labour - NEWS FRONTIER DAILY


Thursday, May 2, 2024

New Minimum Wage: How we arrived at N615,000 - Labour

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has said that it took into considerations all the necessary indices, before arriving at its demand of N615,000 as the new minimum wage.

The NLC also said that any figure below the N615,000 will become what it described as "a starvation wage", adding that it will condemn Nigerian workers and their families to perpetual poverty.

The explanation was contained in a statement titled, "2024 National Minimum Wage Negotiation: How we arrived at N615,000, which was signed by the NLC President, Comrade Joe Ajaero.

In the statement, the NLC submitted that the new hike in electricity tariff was not captured in the proposed sum.

The statement reads thus "It has become imperative at this point that we inform Nigerians who may not have known already the foundations upon which our initial demand for a N615,000 (Six Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Naira) new National Minimum Wage is based upon.

"The figure was a product of a painstaking effort through which we captured the cost of living of Nigerian workers and masses in all parts of the country. It was essentially an outcome of an independent research conducted by the NLC and TUC on the cost of meeting the primary needs of an average family around the country. Our research was based on a family with both parents alive and four children without the burden of having other dependents with them.


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