Hardship: Beef up security around food warehouses, shops - IGP tells CPs - NEWS FRONTIER DAILY


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Hardship: Beef up security around food warehouses, shops - IGP tells CPs

The Acting Inspector General of Police, Olukayode Egbetokun has directed all Command CPs in the 36 states and FCT  halt any further attacks on food warehouses and government strategic reserve facilities to stop looting of foodstuff and essential stuff by Nigerians.

The IGP's directive followed the recent looting of food warehouses and shops in parts of Adamawa State by citizens reacting to the economic hardship occasioned by government policies fears that such attacks and looting may spread.

Speaking at a meeting with Strategic Police Managers on the security situation in the country, Egbetokun said, "To ensure that such attacks do not reoccur in other parts of the country, Command CP’s are directed to henceforth emplace round the clock provision of security at all government warehouses as well as strategic storage facilities and never allow the repeat of the Adamawa incidents.

"It must be noted that the Force is poised to provide all necessary support to the Federal Government as it seeks workable solutions and succor to the present economic situation in the country.

"Let me also use this opportunity to commend all Commands of the Force for the most professional manner in which we managed the recent protest by the citizens and the organized Labour such that no single casualty was recorded while the protest lasted. 

While commending Nigerian citizens and the Labour leaders for also conducting themselves in the most peaceful manner, he said, "Indeed, the overall conduct of Police officers in the management of the protest should henceforth, be adopted as a template for operational control of protests across the country.

"In this vein, Commands Commissioners of Police are hereby directed to establish direct liaison and work with Labour Unions and Civil Society Organizations to ensure that Labour related protests, rallies, and similar public activities are peaceful and without incidents.

On the fight against criminality, activities of bandits, terrorists and kidnappers, the IGP said "We wish to make it clear that we will not leave any stone unturned in our efforts to continually suppress and decimate criminality and heinous activities of non-state actors who cause pains, and sorrows in any part of the country.

"Similarly, we will not condone deliberate and unprovoked harassment, attacks, and unwarranted killings of our Police Officers who have dedicated themselves to securing lives and property of all Nigerians. 

"Every such attack or killing henceforth will be met with a commensurate and lawful force as an attack on a public officer in the line of duty is tantamount to an attack on the state. Enough is Enough. 

"This strong warning is made clear again so that evil-doers, criminals, and agents of destruction in Nigeria will know that their offences against the State, its agencies, and its people will not go unpunished.

Towards this end, the IGPvsaid, "I am pleased to disclose that our crime-fighting initiatives are paying off.

"Through series of covert and overt operations targeted at smashing criminal gangs terrorizing our communities all over the country, we have successfully dismantled several notorious criminal syndicates involved in organized crimes.

"Such crimes include armed banditry, insurgency, armed robbery, kidnapping, gun running, cattle rustling etc. 

"This has resulted in the arrest of 986 armed robbery suspects, 377 kidnap suspects including bandits, 848 suspects of homicide, 297 suspects for possession of prohibited firearms, 517 suspects of rape, defilement and other sexual offences, 874 suspected cultists, and 5,281 suspects for various other offences. 

"Similarly, a total of 520 firearms of various calibres including AK47 and other assault rifles, 4,043 assorted ammunition, and 264 stolen vehicles were recovered nationwide while a total of 363 kidnap victims were rescued unhurt and reunited with their families and loved ones.

Furthermore, he said, "As part of our crime management tactics to address the trending crimes in the country, the Nigeria Police Force under my watch has commenced the process of invigorating the Police Mobile Force (PMF) which remains our statutory striking arm. 

"We have started the process of mobilizing 40,000 strong and willing Police personnel who are expected to be drawn from the existing Police Mobile Force Squadrons, State/Zonal Police Commands and other tactical Units of the Force. 

"It is imperative for the Heads of these Commands and Formations to give maximum cooperation to the Mobilization Team.

"To further entrench discipline in our system, I have ordered a significant restructuring and strengthening of the IGP Monitoring Unit and the X-Squad within the Police Force to ensure greater efficiency, sanity, and accountability. 

"In the same vein, all Commissioners of Police in charge of States are to give effect to my directive on the immediate establishment of Complaints Response Units in all State Commands in line with the provisions of Section 131 (1) of the Nigeria Police Act, 2020, to complement the efforts of the restructured IGP Monitoring Unit and X-Squad for better service delivery."

"Recognizing the importance of cutting-edge technology in modern law enforcement, we recently relaunched the Police- VGS Quick Emergency Reporting and Response System (QERRS), a smart policing initiative aimed at revolutionizing police response to emergencies and ensuring swift and efficient action in critical situations.

 "The Police-VGS QERRS, an additional option to the already launched C4i-NPF Rescue Me App, is an application that has been modeled to ensure prompt response and referral in the event of emergencies such as accidents, natural disasters, medical emergencies, criminal incident reporting, and intelligence sharing amongst others.

"In addition, the Digitalized Central Motor Registry which is already operational, has received a boost from all areas of our society. The DCMR application has been a blessing to our collective security in many areas and it will be continually updated to match up with present realities in Nigeria.

"In a bid to enhance community-oriented law enforcement and reinforce public participation and trust in the Nigeria Police Force, we are working assiduously to unveil a series of practical initiatives on community policing and a comprehensive reorganization plan in line with my action plans and vision statement.

 "This renewed community policing plan is geared towards building strong partnerships with local communities, and a proactive and collaborative approach to policing that addresses the specific needs and concerns of citizens so as to create a safer and more secure environment for all residents while promoting transparency and accountability within the police force. 

"The Standard Operating Procedure for one of our frontline initiatives in this regard, the School Protection Squad (SPS) is scheduled for launch tomorrow Wednesday 9th August, 2023, at the Abuja Continental Hotel. I look forward to seeing you all at the event."

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