Makinde urged to halt appointment of new Aseyin - NEWS FRONTIER DAILY


Friday, June 23, 2023

Makinde urged to halt appointment of new Aseyin

Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State has been advised to halt the process of appointing another Aseyin of Iseyin, as a motion for injunction pertaining to the chieftaincy title is pending before an Iseyin High Court. 

Recall that Aseyin of Iseyin, Oba Abdulganiy Adekunle joined his ancestors in July 2022.

It was gathered that since the demise of the traditional ruler in Iseyin, the Aseyin of Iseyin, Oba Abdulganiy Adekunle in July 2022, his successor is yet to emerge.

In a letter dated 20th of June, 2023, Makinde was notified to call on the descendants of Ogbolu, the founder of Iseyin to present the next candidates for the throne. The letter also claimed the family had produced the 1st to 11th Aseyins of Iseyin.

Speaking on behalf of the family, A.G. Adeniran Esq, said the family is optimistic that Governor Seyi Makinde will heed to them.

In his words: "that letter is the letter that we wrote to the governor of Oyo State to let him know that a case is pending at the High Court, Iseyin on the Aseyin of Iseyin Chieftaincy. We also applied for an order of injunction, so they should not appoint another Aseyin now until the court has heard our motion for injunction and the court has decided whether to grant it or to refuse it." 

"Because if they are to go ahead and appoint another Aseyin while our motion is pending, it is like disrespecting the court and the governor is a gentleman, and so he should not be seeing as disrespecting the court."

"We wrote this letter to the governor to let him be aware. We exhibited a copy of our motion on notice that we filed to the letter, that’s what we called ‘Annexure A’ to the letter."

"We want the world to know that there is a case that we the Claimants filed in the High Court asking that the original descendants of the founder Iseyin that should be made Aseyin.
“The original descendants are Ogbolu and they produced the first eleven (11) Aseyins, it is after the eleventh Aseyin that these people who are not even related to the founder at all in anyway who have now been coming to become Aseyin." 

"We have now decided to go to court to challenge it, and say under the Native Law and Customs of Yoruba land, and of Iseyin also, it is the descendants of the founders that are entitled to produce the king of that town. As a result, we are beseeching Governor Seyi Makinde not to appoint anybody as Aseyin pending the time the court will listen to our motion on Notice of Injunction."

"We attached a copy of that motion to the letter. It has been served to the Governor yesterday (Thursday, June 22 2023). We also served Attorney-General of Oyo State, Secretary to the Oyo State Governor, The Registrar of the High Court; all of them have been served."

According to the lawyer, whenever an injunction has been applied for and the same is pending before a court of competent jurisdiction, it is apposite for all concerned not to do anything that will affect the subject matter of the injunction until the motion for injunction has been heard and determined by the court.

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