Army Corporal allegedly rapes a 9-year-old in the bush - NEWS FRONTIER DAILY


Friday, June 23, 2023

Army Corporal allegedly rapes a 9-year-old in the bush

An Effurun based Human Rights Lawyer, Emmanuel Ekpuda has petitioned the Nigerian Police Ekpan Division to apprehend and charge Corporal Aliyu Uwarh attached to 3Battallion Effurun for the rape of a 9-year-old Miracle Alibaba in the farm.

Ekpuda, in the petition, lamented that all efforts to get the suspect apprehended has been rebuffed by authorities of 3Battallion.

According to the petition, "We are Solicitors to MR & MRS ALIUBABA of Behind Benjones Filing Station, Army Barrack, and Delta State, (hereinafter called "Our Clients' and on whose firm instructions, we write you this letter.

"The oral briefing of our client reveals, that our clients' daughter, who is nine (9) years old, named Miracle Aliubaba was raped by one Aliyu Uwarh, a soldier with the 3 Battalion of the Nigerian Army, Effurun. 

"Sometime in May 2023, our Clients were doing their farm job, at the farm and Miracle Aliubaba, the Victim herein always fetch water for her parents, in the course of doing their job, the said Aliyu Uwarh (the soldier) captured her, after she fetched water and started molesting her and further beat her up, not to tell anyone not even her parents and sometimes uses hand kerchief to tie her mouth and start abusing her.

"Consequently, our Clients then noticed that something was wrong with their daughter. The mother have to examine her, only to discover that someone has been molesting her daughter and after discussing with her, she opened up that a soldier man named Aliyu Uwarh have been penetrating her.

"After reporting the act/action of the said Soldier, the Soldier took our Clients' daughter for medical checkup and it was confirmed that she is been molested/abused. The father of the victim was later locked up in Army custody for several days. On hearing all this, Mrs Aliubaba, who was seven (7) months pregnant, lost her pregnancy due to the trauma.

"When the Barrack Doctor, one Capt Harumin confirmed the molestation, the victim father was then release from the Army custody.

"The desires of our Clients are to see justice is done in this case by apprehending the accused and allow the law to take its course. in the light of the foregoing, we therefore on behalf of our clients passionately appeal to you to use your good office to ensure that MIRACLE gets justice." It added.

The Human Rights Lawyer revealed that court baliff sent to serve court processes were chased away by the military at the gate of the barrack hence he has to approach the press.

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