New Ibara GRA: Revert to our original name - Ijemo Traditional Council tells Ogun govt - NEWS FRONTIER DAILY


Monday, May 6, 2024

New Ibara GRA: Revert to our original name - Ijemo Traditional Council tells Ogun govt

By James Michael

The Ijemo Traditional Council in Abeokuta, Ogun State capital has called on the state government to revert to the original name of Ibara GRA, as Ijemo Titun GRA, instead of New Ibara GRA it is being current called.

The Council frowned at the distortion of the history of the community by the Ogun State government, with the redesign of the Ibara GRA to New Ibara GRA, arguing that the old name of the GRA should be 'Ijemo Titun GRA'.

It noted that the renaming of the Estate to Ibara GRA then and now New Ibara GRA has distorted history and may undermine cultural identity among indigenes of Ijemo town.

The development according to the Council has caused disquiet in the town, calling for the correction of what it described as anomaly for peace to reign.

It would be recalled  that the government of Western Region had forcefully allocated some lands belonging to Ijemo township for an Housing Estate, when Ogun State was created in 1976.

The estate was named Ibara Housing Estate, which was obtained from the Ijemo, as the land originally belongs to the Ijemos.

The Council's statement read, “Our attention has been drawn to the numerous statements by the representatives of Ogun State government at different fora in which Ijemo land is been erroneously called Ibara GRA. The action is capable of creating crisis in Egbaland.

We need not remind the government that the act can result to loss of cultural identity, we know that history is deeply intertwined with cultural identity, serving as
repository of shared experiences, values, and traditions. Erasing or distorting historical events can undermine cultural identity by
erasing important aspects of a community's past and disconnecting people from their cultural heritage.

The action can also result to normalization of injustice, by whitewashing or minimizing the history of past injustices,
opposing groups normalize oppression and inequality. 

This sends a message that certain voices and experiences are less valid or worthy of acknowledgment, perpetuating marginalization and silencing marginalized communities.

If the trend is not reversed, it can also lead to manipulation of memory.

"Manipulating or erasing history distorts collective memory and shapes public consciousness. It creates a false narrative that reinforces existing power structures and serves the interests of those in positions of authority, often at the expense of marginalized groups.

"We therefore called on government to revert to the original name of the land as New Ijemo Titun GRA.

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