Reps walk out member for improper dressing - NEWS FRONTIER DAILY


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Reps walk out member for improper dressing

A member of the House of Representatives was on Wednesday sent out of the chamber for dressing improperly to the plenary.

The member whose name could not be ascertained had walked into plenary towards the end of the day's proceedings, and sat at the floor, used as an alternative chamber since the main chamber is under renovation. 

At that point, Hon. Billy Osaweru (APC, Edo) raised a point of order, calling the attention of the House.

He said that the mode of dressing had been contravened.

He said "Mr. Speaker, our rules state the need for proper dressing while coming for plenary. Mr. Speaker, if you look upstairs, there is a member in chamber wearing a T-Shirt and jeans trouser".

But while Osaweru was raising the point of order, the member hurriedly stood up and walked out of the Chamber, even as the Speaker, Tajudeen Abbas conquered with the point of order, saying "point of order complied with".

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