Subsidy enriches few rich, says Oluwo - NEWS FRONTIER DAILY


Friday, June 2, 2023

Subsidy enriches few rich, says Oluwo

The Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdurosheed Akanbi has called on Nigerian masses to be patient with President Bola Tinubu on the removal of subsidy, saying the money use for it only enriches few rich people in the country.

He added that removing subsidy is meant to stop enriching few individuals at the detriment of the masses, stressing that the long term gain will benefit the people.

The monarch in a statement issued by his media aide, Alli Ibraheem on Friday, described President Bola Tinubu as an administrator, whose interest in people's welfare is unrivaled.

It reads; "I'm optimistic. Every Nigerian should be. The greatness of Nigeria should be our collective assignment and happiness.  The subsidy system is an organized crime to enrich few rich Nigerians. It's inimical to the growth and survival of our dear country. No government can survive in Nigeria paying subsidies on petrol consumption.

"Subsidy removal is a blessing in disguise. Tinubu is a leader with unquantifiable administrative prowess. Nigerians should exercise patience with him. All his major contenders in the election have earlier pledged subsidy removal during their respective party campaign. Let's be honest and patriotic by supporting this government to succeed.

"The president should fast track the implementation of national palliative that will decimate the immediate effect of subsidy removal on Nigerians.

"Tinubu is a national asset and a pride. We have given Nigerians our best from the South West. We exercise no doubt in his administrative prowess for a renewed hope. Nigerians are safe under him.

"The removal regime will eventually put us on track. I appeal to Nigerians most especially the labour union to give President Tinubu the benefit of doubt. Industrial action and protests will do more harm than good to our economy. He needs our cooperation to cut wastage and strengthen our economy.

"In advanced countries, they subsidize housing and health not petroleum. I will look forward to such things in this new government soon".

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