OPC Leader,Gani Adams reiterates calls for State Police as solution to insecurity in Nigeria - NEWS FRONTIER DAILY


Thursday, August 19, 2021

OPC Leader,Gani Adams reiterates calls for State Police as solution to insecurity in Nigeria

By Sam Peters

OPC Leader,Gani Adams Reiterates calls for creation of State Police as panacea to Security Challenges 
 The Leader of Odua People Congress (OPC) and the Areonakankanfo of Yoruba land,Chief Gani Adams has reitreated calls for the creation of State Police to curtail the security challenges facing the Nation. 

 According to him,with the present situation in the country,the call for State Police has remained very important and urgent. 

 He made the call at the fourth edition of the Southwest Security Stakeholders Group (SSSG) Conference held at ONTEC Event Center,Madojutimi, Abeokuta,Ogun State.

 As a follow up to the earlier calls by Nigerians especially the Ekiti State Governor ,Dr Kayode Fayemi, ,the Yoruba Pan Social Group Afenifere and others, Chief Adams said State Police is a panacea to the various security challenges in all parts of the country. 

 He made reference also to the Katsina State Governor, Aminu Masari and his Benue State counterpart, Samuel Ortom who called on their citizens to take up arms in self defence. 

 He said with all those calls, creation of State Police has becomes imperative and an urgent solutions to the various security challenges confronting the country.

 "These statements truly affirmed the need for self government,or regionalism where state governors would control the Police and other security architecture of their states. T

he situation in the country is so worrisome that travelers can hardly travel for a journey of six hours in the country without facing the trauma of being kidnapped or killed by bandits. T

he recent killings in Kano was a sad reminder of the gory situation we face daily across the county Gani Adams stated". 

 He explained that insecurity in Southwest has reached an alarming dimension which calls for drastic action towards ending prevailing scourge.

 He said there is need for an all inclusive meeting that would chart a new course in securing the Southwest region. 

 Chief Adams expressed joy, that since the first meeting in 2019,the SSSG has become a rallying point for the security groups across the Southwest region.

 He therefore assured that, the SSSG readiness to support other security agencies in order to nip the security challenges in the land. 

 "We have our plans and strategies toward achieving our objectives,and we will go all out to reduce the spate of insecurity across the region" he assured. 

 He therefore called on the Southwest Governors to identify with SSSG and support the group so that they can achieve the best for the race.

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