Group pays tribute to Late Mohammed Fawehinmi - NEWS FRONTIER DAILY


Sunday, August 15, 2021

Group pays tribute to Late Mohammed Fawehinmi

By Our Reporter

Non-Governmental Organisation, Centre for Leadership and Justice, CLJ, has expressed shock over the untimely death of Mohammed Fawehinmi, an activist and son of the late legal icon and humanist; Chief Gani Fawehinmi. 

 In a statement issued on Sunday by President of the Organisation, Mr. Emmanuel Umohinyang and its Executive Director, Dr.Gloria Egbuji, the late Mohammed Fawehinmi has been described a forthright activist who towed his late father’s path in championing the cause of humanity particularly the less privileged even while he was facing physical Challenge  which confined him to a wheelchair. 

Mohammed had reportedly passed on last week in a Lagos hospital while on admission over an undisclosed sickness. 

The statement read, “As a member of the civil society family, Mohammed according to CLJ was a vocal and fearless voice at critical moments when bravery mattered most. 

“He never shied away and like his late, was always willing to bring out the humanist in him by defending the less privileged even at his own cost and risk. 

“Just as prominent Nigerians like President Muhammadu Buhari and others have said in their own tributes to the late Mohammed, CLJ alluded to the fact that in spite of his physical Challenge, he remained consistent, passionate and dogged in his human rights activism in a manner that truly portrayed him as a son of the fiery legal luminary and activist; Chief Gani Fawehinmi who in his own time, left an indelible mark in human rights activism. 

The Organisation while sharing in the grief of the Fawehinmi’s family especially Mohammed’s mother; Mrs. Ganiat Fawehinmi, encouraged the family, friends, associates and staff of Nigeria Weekly Law Reports Publication where Mohammed served as Chairman before his death, to take solace in the fact that he lived a good and honourable life. 

According to CLJ, “Mohammed Fawehinmi may have died at a relatively young age, but our Organization is consoled by the fact that like his late father, Mohammed lived for humanity and fearlessly in a country where speaking truth to authority can be hazardous. 

“Our Organization is further consoled by the fact that Mohammed did not allow his physical challenge which came mid way in his life to dampen the lion spirit in him. 

 He fought courageously not to be defeated by the circumstances of his confinement to the wheelchair and gave a very good account of himself.

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